Ernesto Guerrero's profile

Aguamarina Consultores

Management and Creative director of Aguamarina Consultores and Lead Vision Consulting España, companies dedicated to consultancy, training, and coaching in educational institutions, and organizations.
More than 7 years of experience in accompaniment as management and creative direction in companies, institutions, and organizations. More than 200 workshops and seminars were provided in the last 8 years. More than 70 conferences around the world in the last 4 years.
Design and implement training and development processes for companies and organizations and coach business leaders.
Profiraum Liderazgo Positivo (Volkswagen)
With this material, the principal objective was to get every production manager at Volkswagen to recognize the possibility, take responsibility, and seize the opportunity to drive the transformation of their cell or span of control into the Best Place to Work.
Offer them the necessary tools so that this can happen.
The design of the interiors of this manual, including the illustrations, was made friendly to facilitate reading and understanding by the manager. Since it was a one-month program, a series of 3 modules, and a comic book. Also designing a series of characters so that the collaborators would become familiar with them and they would follow them throughout the process of personal growth in the company.
Workshop: Integrity, Compliance, and Culture (Audi Mexico)
BBVA Foundation
Formats for the BBVA foundation. to work together with their collaborators and improve the work environment.
Aguamarina Consultores

Aguamarina Consultores
